
Greetings and thank you for visiting my website and blog.  I often feel that I embody a Butterfly Spirit – graceful, elegant and kind. I seek to leave a piece of myself wherever I go.

I am freelance writer, yogi, avid traveler and appreciate the simplicity of life.  My mission is about spreading divine messages of inspiration, peace and love.  Be the light, embrace love and shine your heart!

19 thoughts on “About”

  1. Just wanted to say thanks for wonderful job you do ā€” inspiring people! Some of your ideas helped me a lot šŸ˜‰
    Also, I came here from Pinterest to ask to be one of your boards (Positivity) contributor. Helping others means a lot to me, so I would like to share some art with people you gathered together šŸ™‚
    Stay healthy and positive!

    1. Bless your heart dear !! Thank you so so much for your beautiful message & kindness – I really appreciate it! šŸ˜Š

      I feel it is our mission to inspire, motivate and spread good cheer! This makes my heart so happy!

      Your website is absolutely inspiring and you are meant to do great things in this world !
      My Pinterest account has been having a few glitches, I apologize for the delay!

      Keep spreading the light, life your dreams & thank you for your positivity too! Blessings xoxo

    1. Good day,
      Thank you kindly for reaching out I really appreciate it. Absolutely, your website has great Health information. Let me know how I can assist via Pinterest.

  2. Hi there! Great blog! Just gave you a follow on Pinterest. I’m contacting you as I would love to be added to the group board |Motivation| . My Pinterest username is @thetrulycharming
    Thanks šŸ™‚

  3. Hi there! Great blog! Just gave you a follow on Pinterest. Iā€™m contacting you as I would love to be added to the group board | Yoga | . My Pinterest username is @vishrut28
    Thanks šŸ™‚

  4. hello, I would also like to collaborate with your travel group if possible? thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, have a great day! my collaboration name is TravelLoversBucketList

    1. Thank you Cristian! My Pinterest group boards have add issues with adding collaborators. If possible, can you send me a message on Pinterest? Many thanks šŸ™‚

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