A New Earth 

In 2020, I wrote an article in regards to nature titled: The Divine Essence of Nature.  In this piece, I touched upon aspects of nature and the relevance to the energy of the planet.  The article reflected on the shifting patterns of Earth in 2019.  Mama Gaia was talking to us, through weather patterns.  It was her emotions surfacing with the elements of  air, fire and water.  By 2020, the Covid pandemic was in full force.  It altered the fabric of humanity as society is still processing life.  

Presently, in 2024 we are now in a drastic shift of climate change in every corner of the globe.  It seems that astrologically, the cosmos are impacting the state of your being.  Weather patterns have been occurring in the past few years.  Flooding, fires and torrential rain are more prevalent.  Could the weather patterns be a sign of something else?  The varying emotions of Mama Earth again?  She is a living energy force and perhaps communicating to our consciousness?  With meditation, answers become clear.  When you still your mind, your heart whispers.  What message is she trying to convey?  The message of oneness and love.

Do you ever ask yourself, why did Covid occur?  In my opinion, Covid happened for a spiritual reason.  I have to believe a global pandemic occurred to shift consciousness. The universe was a guiding force in this all.  Life went upside down. Society had to be placed on pause.  Humanity needed to surrender, and be in a state of the unknown.  Taking time in nature, allowed healing to transpire.  To be one with the universe and breathe.  

Sometimes the universe turns off all the lights so we have no choice but to find our own – Rebecca Campbell

My personal belief is that souls were awakening.  The collective consciousness was remembering who they really are, their core essence.  Many of us had to go within layers of our spirit to see that the pandemic was something greater.  Lightworkers, you know who you are, your divine purpose is to shine angelic light on earth.  Lightworkers realized they are here to serve as beacons of LOVE and healing.  

The real you is always here. You just have to recognize the light within and give yourself permission to radiate from your soul — not only for your own benefit but for the blessing of all others ― Catherine Carrigan

You began to question why you are here, especially now.  Covid was a spiritual retreat, almost like an incubation period to assess your life.  Who are you?  Are you happy?  What is your purpose?  Questions that one hardly gives time to consider.  This inner dialogue led to other aspects of your life journey.  Silence is when your clarity comes.  Be still and know, everything is exactly the way it should be.    

The dark days are over, let the universe take control.  The old structures are falling apart.  Be prepared to see changes in the way we live our lives.  This will be for the better.  The year of 2024, is a year of abundance in every single way.  You have been reborn and being asked to live, engage the life you have always yearned for.  

We now stand on a New Earth.  Allow love to be your guiding force in every decision you make.  You are chosen to be here in this new energy.  We have a long way to go, however we are in a revolutionary time in history.  Covid taught us to love and cherish our family.  To be of service to your neighbors and community.  To make peace with your present circumstances.  Release your ego and remember who you are. This is your time to shine, be seen and to soar. 

You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. What an amazing miracle –  Eckhart Tolle

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