
Kindness is free. Sprinkle it Everywhere! | Joy quotes, Inspirational quotes  for kids, Positive quotes

Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind. Henry James

Wherever you are living, every human being has been impacted by Covid.  We are all collectively sharing a similar dialogue.  Though life has transformed, let us play our part by being kind to ourselves and others.  Have you ever noticed, when you smile at a stranger they respond in the same manner?  A smile is a warm exchange, that you are acknowledging someone.  This is true kind-heartedness.  It is an expression of gratitude from your heart to another.  

I am humbled to write this piece from my own personal experience.  We learn by hearing stories from others.  Similar to our ancestors, they shared stories throughout generations to guide and teach us.  These narratives were created to help you progress.  We are able to relate, reflect and share our experience for the better.  My story begins with nurturing of the spirit.  I was in need of some vitamins and required a visit to a health and wellness store.    

While searching for a few items, I saw a customer service representative and decided to ask for assistance.  We spoke for a few moments.  Instantly, I felt myself being triggered and judged.  The guidance was unfriendly and it caused emotions to arise.  Has this happened to you before?  An interaction with a complete stranger can cause you to feel intense emotions?  “I kept thinking, is this all about me?  Am I projecting energy this is causing this all to happen”?  

I absorbed the energy from the sales representative and was quite upset.  They were condescending, and right away I felt small.  Not a good feeling for the soul.  Instead of walking away, I took a few breaths and came back to equanimity.  Started to regain my strength and approached him.  I needed to advocate for myself.  I honoured myself and told him how the interaction made me feel.  I explained the importance of being heart centered and kind – especially during Covid.   

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. Dalai Lama

What I reflect on daily, is that I am unaware of what someone may be experiencing.  When you demean someone else, majority of the time it is all about “YOU”.  Kindness is inner job, first and foremost are you being kind to yourself?  Your self-talk is vital to your wellbeing.  Plant seeds of kindness within. They will begin to blossom from you heart and expand.  Your inner discourse towards yourself impacts the mind and body connection.    

When one stands up for themselves, it creates a domino affect.  No matter what the situation is, may you always remember that you have every right to be heard and appreciated.  You are strong and here to make an impact in the world.  Kindness touches others.  You do this by loving strangers unconditionally.  Not by hiding yourself, however by shining your “LIGHT”.  Let us all rise to by extending our best selves forward.

During the time of Covid, many have been soul searching.  May you be mindful when encountering others, to be empathetic and genuine.  It cost nothing to be kind to people.  Why are we so guarded?  How can we return to the essence of love?  Love is a spiritual energy that changes the chemistry of our being.  My observation over the past year is that we need to extend our compassion and be kind.  Each day make it a priority to see someone smile.  Uplift others for no reason or expectation. 

Kindness is about giving from a sincere place within.  Giving can take on many forms: listening to others or leaving a thank you note, this is kindness.  Doing something for the sake of giving, to see someone light up from the inside out.  Let kindness be in your smile, radiating from your heart – this will impact those around you.  Do your best to do an act of kindness towards yourself and others daily.  Lets create a world based on this principle.  

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. Lao-Tzu

An Inspiring Story About Breathe

Great Sayings of Wisdom | Spiritual quotes, Yoga quotes, Upanishads

There is an old Vedic story about prana that occurs in various Upanishads.  The five main faculties of our nature – the mind, breathe (prana), speech, ear and eye – were arguing with each other as to which was the best and most important.  This reflects the ordinary human condition in which our faculties are not integrated but fight with each other, competing for their rule of our attention.  To resolve this dispute they decided that each would leave the body and see whose absence was most missed.

First speech left the body, but the body continued though mute.  Next the eye left, but the body continued though blind.  Next the ear left, but the body continued though deaf.  Then the mind left, but the body continued though the unconscious.  Finally the prana began to leave and the body began to die and all the other faculties began to lose their energy.  So they all rushed to prana and told it to stay, lauding its supremacy.  Clearly prana won the argument.  Prana gives energy to all our faculties.  The moral of this story is that to control all our faculties the key is the control of prana/breathe.

The excerpt above is taken from “Yoga and Ayurveda” written by David Frawley pg. 120.  I opened this book recently, and landed on this specific page.  It was a gentle reminder to breathe.  The power of our breathe brings us back to the present moment.  Your breathe is home.  Remember calm is a “superpower “- stay well xo

I Am Light – India Arie

See the source image
I am light, I am light
I am light, I am light
I am light, I am light
I am light, I am lightI am not the things my family did
I am not the voices in my head
I am not the pieces of the brokenness inside, I am light
I am light

I am light, I am light
I am light, I am light
I am light, I am light

I’m not the mistakes that I have made
Or any of the things that caused me pain
I am not the pieces of the dream I left behind, I am light
I am light, I am light
I, I am light

I am light, I am light
I am light, I am light

I am not the color of my eyes
I am not the skin on the outside
I am not my age, I am not my race
My soul inside is all light
All light, all light yeah
All light

I am light, I am light
I am light, I am light yeah

I am divinity defined
I am the God on the inside
I am a star, a piece of it all
I am light


This song by India Arie, I first heard while in a yoga class.  Instantly, I was brought to tears.  The lyrics are powerful and always resonated with my spirit.  We are all light, connected and here to assist one another during this time on Earth.  May we remember to be kind, gracious and loving to everyone we encounter.  Stay well and blessed xo