To My Queens & Kings…..

To anyone out there who is struggling to carve there path in life do know you are not alone

To the single mother or father that has to work over 16 hours a day you are not alone

To the health care professionals who have held the hands of strangers during the past two years, you are not alone

To the brokenhearted, single or newly divorced souls, you are not alone

To the souls who lack self-love and self-worth you are not alone

To the struggling entrepreneur or jobless you are not alone

To the new Mother’s who are up with minimal sleep, you are not alone

For the grieving souls who have lost their loved ones, you are not alone

To the people who are struggling with addiction or mental health issues you are not alone

To the caretakers, who take on the burdens of others you are not alone

To anyone who is facing darkness remember you are not alone

To the empaths and highly sensitive spirits you are not alone

To anyone who is fighting for freedom and peace, you are not alone

To the people who has been touched by crisis, pain or suffering you are not alone

To anyone who has been impacted by the events since 2020 you are not alone

To the younger generation who are trying to navigate in this new era of time you are not alone

To all souls on the planet always know YOU ARE LOVED

My Queens and Kings, you have been given these circumstances because you are capable to handle these minor pitfalls that life has thrown your way. You challenges will be your biggest blessing. Stay in the LIGHT xo


Kindness is free. Sprinkle it Everywhere! | Joy quotes, Inspirational quotes  for kids, Positive quotes

Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind. Henry James

Wherever you are living, every human being has been impacted by Covid.  We are all collectively sharing a similar dialogue.  Though life has transformed, let us play our part by being kind to ourselves and others.  Have you ever noticed, when you smile at a stranger they respond in the same manner?  A smile is a warm exchange, that you are acknowledging someone.  This is true kind-heartedness.  It is an expression of gratitude from your heart to another.  

I am humbled to write this piece from my own personal experience.  We learn by hearing stories from others.  Similar to our ancestors, they shared stories throughout generations to guide and teach us.  These narratives were created to help you progress.  We are able to relate, reflect and share our experience for the better.  My story begins with nurturing of the spirit.  I was in need of some vitamins and required a visit to a health and wellness store.    

While searching for a few items, I saw a customer service representative and decided to ask for assistance.  We spoke for a few moments.  Instantly, I felt myself being triggered and judged.  The guidance was unfriendly and it caused emotions to arise.  Has this happened to you before?  An interaction with a complete stranger can cause you to feel intense emotions?  “I kept thinking, is this all about me?  Am I projecting energy this is causing this all to happen”?  

I absorbed the energy from the sales representative and was quite upset.  They were condescending, and right away I felt small.  Not a good feeling for the soul.  Instead of walking away, I took a few breaths and came back to equanimity.  Started to regain my strength and approached him.  I needed to advocate for myself.  I honoured myself and told him how the interaction made me feel.  I explained the importance of being heart centered and kind – especially during Covid.   

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. Dalai Lama

What I reflect on daily, is that I am unaware of what someone may be experiencing.  When you demean someone else, majority of the time it is all about “YOU”.  Kindness is inner job, first and foremost are you being kind to yourself?  Your self-talk is vital to your wellbeing.  Plant seeds of kindness within. They will begin to blossom from you heart and expand.  Your inner discourse towards yourself impacts the mind and body connection.    

When one stands up for themselves, it creates a domino affect.  No matter what the situation is, may you always remember that you have every right to be heard and appreciated.  You are strong and here to make an impact in the world.  Kindness touches others.  You do this by loving strangers unconditionally.  Not by hiding yourself, however by shining your “LIGHT”.  Let us all rise to by extending our best selves forward.

During the time of Covid, many have been soul searching.  May you be mindful when encountering others, to be empathetic and genuine.  It cost nothing to be kind to people.  Why are we so guarded?  How can we return to the essence of love?  Love is a spiritual energy that changes the chemistry of our being.  My observation over the past year is that we need to extend our compassion and be kind.  Each day make it a priority to see someone smile.  Uplift others for no reason or expectation. 

Kindness is about giving from a sincere place within.  Giving can take on many forms: listening to others or leaving a thank you note, this is kindness.  Doing something for the sake of giving, to see someone light up from the inside out.  Let kindness be in your smile, radiating from your heart – this will impact those around you.  Do your best to do an act of kindness towards yourself and others daily.  Lets create a world based on this principle.  

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. Lao-Tzu

The Divine Essence of Nature

13 Beautiful Nature Quotes - LAUGHTARD

Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things – Lao Tzu

The year 2020 was a period of inner awakening and reflection.  Not a single person anticipated Covid-19 or a global lock-down.   Life was placed on pause for all of humanity.  Visiting your family, going to work, dramatically shifted.  Communicating via online resources, is how everyone stays connected.  Social distancing and masks have become somewhat the norm for the mass.

We are living in a new timeline on Earth and unaware of what lies ahead.  We may be fearful of what is to transpire,  however life can only get better from this moment forward.  There are also many blessings from Covid.  I often question,  how did this all happen?  Has Mother Earth been trying to get our attention all along?  What comes to mind is nature, how can we learn from the elements of the earth?    If we listen intently, they speak to our soul.  


First and foremost I am a Moon child, born under the sign of Cancer.  The Cancer sign is governed by the moon.  The moon is Yin energy, associated with the Divine Feminine.  When a Full Moon occurs, it is a time of retreat.  The themes of forgiveness, self-compassion and surrender are apparent during the transition to the full-moon.  The luminous moon is an elixir of dark and light.  As the moon enters different phases, human beings feel the gravitational pull as well.  The moon is asking you to honor where you are, and nurture your being.  


“Here comes the sun, and I say its all right”  Beautiful lyrics sung by the infamous Beatles.  The sun is known to have masculine Yang energy.  It is that inner fire within your soul.  Correlated to the solar chakra, which represents confidence, will-power, strength and more.  Do you ever notice when the sun shines, it brightens your day?  The sun gives light to the earth, helps with growth and vegetation and showers us with vitamin D.  The sun can be seen as a force so powerful, one can not comprehend its magnitude.  


Water fluid, ever changing and representing the veins of Gaia.  Water represents our emotions.  The veins of water are oceans, lakes, streams and rivers.  With Covid how have you been, emotionally and spiritually?  Are you able to flow with everything or have resistance.  The more you can flow with life and surrender, it creates space for change.  Remember, water represents 70% of your body.  The more water you drink, it aids with nourishing your inner temple.  

Nature always wears the colors of the spirit –Ralph Waldo Emerson


Historically the element of air is associated with new beginnings, creativity and intelligence.   When the forces of wind are roaring in the air, Mother Nature is trying to get our attention.  Could it be the wisdom of our ancestors speaking to us through the wind?  Perhaps, whispering messages for us to decipher or understand.  Have you ever heard that expression, spring is in the air?  Air is what we breathe in each day, gives us vitality.  Spring air brings in expansion, similar to all seasons.  The question is, are you listening? 

Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter — Rachel Carson


Fire is depicted as a masculine energy, providing light and transformation.  It starts out as a flame and has the capacity to burn anything which comes in its way.  Fire represents strength as there is a power in the flame.  It could be seen as a destroyer of the darkness.  This element takes out the old and brings in the new.  Fire is a force to be reckoned with. 


Earth energy is stillness, life and rebirth.  It is grounding, nurturing and wise.  By planting your feet outside on the earth you are healing.  There are many who noticed a shift during 2019 and the beginning of 2020.  On a personal level, my soul felt tired.  I was feeling lethargic, sensed I needed to rest.  I was not angry when Covid occurred.  I recognized it as a time of healing the spirit.  SELF-CARE became a priority for many.  There were many signs that Gaia was tired.  During 2019 Mama Earth, experienced wildfires in Australia and drought along with floods in the USA.  The fires may have been her anger, the floods her tears.  We needed to listen.  Earth, if you interchange the words – becomes Heart.  One could assume, the Divine Earth is the heart of everything.  

What have you Learned from Covid?  

The earth is the foundation to everything.  My firm belief is that we needed to go back to basics.  Be love, shine love, be an expression of love.  Nature is our source of healing, by being outdoors our senses are heightened and soul expanded.  Family time is something to never take for granted.  The value of making your meals and sitting with family is golden.  Memories that are irreplaceable.  Many realize that they require less to be happy.  Relationships have been tested and jobs as well.  However, there is balance.

In hindsight, could it be possible that collectively a break was given to us, to reflect?  To converse with your inner self and higher power?  I am a firm believer that everything happens for our highest good.  There is much to learn from 2020 on an individual and collective level.  Gaia is teaching valuable life lessons, we were finally listening to the frequencies.  The strongest energetic vibration is love.       

We need the tonic of wildness…At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature  — Henry David Thoreau        

Magic of the Universe

Speak To The Universe Quotes. QuotesGram

All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark. –Swami Vivekanada

What is the Universe?  Defined by Wikipedia, “The universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy”.  The universe is precisely made up of components of the ethers!  I once read that stars and humans consist of similar chemical elements.  Think how magical you are,  you are like stardust!  In my own interpretation, the universe is a grand phenomenon.  It listens and responds to our intentions and overall frequency.  The universe is beyond our grasp, however resides within you.  Listening intently to your thoughts and heart desires.  An awareness that there is invisible force guiding your life and destiny.  

The Universe is cosmically woven: embodies Mother Nature, galaxies, consciousness and humanity.  It is endless, formless, it will always continue.  For example, think of the symbol of infinity, there are two circles that overlap one another.  Circles are infinite, never ceasing to stop.  A circle is symbolic as it represents divine nature, chakra spiritual energy and patterns.  The circle unifies and expands, it is associated with totality, wholeness and eternity.  When you master your life lessons, everything comes full circle  – you make a conscious choice to evolve.  

Life is a full circle, widening until it joins the circle motions of the infinite. –Anais Nin.   

For example, the sun, moon and earth are all circular.  They are in harmony with the sacred universe, flowing like the cycles of nature.  There is always balance and unification within the universe.  A unified field of possibilities.  All things have potential in every aspect of your life.  Every decision you make connects you to your soul purpose.  There is no separation, everyone is connected.     

I have written about the concept of  “Universe” in a few articles.  Recently, I have felt compelled to research this topic further and understand how it was orchestrated.  The definition of the universe may vary from each individual.  How many times have you done this, looked up at the sky and asked how did creation begin?  How did everything evolve?  Evolution of mankind, it all started somewhere.  Do you ever stargaze in the evening, hoping to see a shooting star or are mesmerized by the beauty of the sky?  These are tiny miracles that shine upon us daily.  

Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. –Stephen Hawking

The marvel of the Egyptian Pyramids, Stonehenge in the UK, and the Acropolis in Greece.  These are all Ancient Wonders of the world, with profound historical significance.  They were constructed or self-made centuries ago.  It is remarkable how these ancient wonders are still standing. There are several theories on this, however this is an entire different article.  

Did you know that the Universe resides in you?  Within you, are all the answers your soul seeks.  The Universe supports you and wants you to live your best life.  For example, think of the universe as Aladdin’s lamp.  The tale of Aladdin is about a young boy who discovers a magical lamp.  He was only permitted three wishes to be granted by his companion the “Genie”.  The universe is like the genie!  It wants you to live beyond your dreams.  Your emotions, thoughts, are all vibrations you transmit.  The universe picks up on your requests and sends the frequency out to the universe.  This can be defined and termed as the “Law of Attraction”.

The universe loves and cares for YOU in every way.  Serendipities, signs, happenstances are all manifestations of the universe.  Every aspect of your life is a blessing whether positive or negative.  When you face doubt or lack, know source energy is taking care of you.  All you have to do is ask.  Asking?  How many times do you forget to do that?  Once you make a conscious decision on what you desire the universe hears that request instantly.  Your only job is to be clear, trust the process of life and surrender.  The universe is going to arrange every aspect of your life.  As a musical symphony is composed of melodies and harmony, all the notes align together to make a masterpiece.  Your life is like a beautiful song from the universe –  sing it loud!  It is meant to be absolutely glorious.   Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence – Alan Watts

You have been given the gifts from the beginning of birth, can you remember?  The year 2020 has certainly been full of surprises.  Can you align yourself to the light of the universe and open yourself to miracles?  Perhaps, this is the time humanity is seeking transformation for the best.  Let this year be a turning point for you.  Healing, growing and shedding the past are central to 2020.  Listen to your inner voice, the universe is YOU!  Know you chose to be on earth, at this pivotal point in time.  The unpredictable and unknown will create the life you have been waiting for! 

Journeying Through – The Wizard of Oz

See the source image

You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself. – Glinda the Good Witch

“There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home”.  How many times have you heard this famous phrase from The Wizard of Oz?  A novel written by Lyman Frank Baum in the 1930’s.  I recall watching this classic movie as a young child numerous times.  It invoked such magic and mystery.  All I ever wanted was a pair of ruby shoes and to time travel!  Wouldn’t be delightful to have those shoes, and manifest anything you desire?  Maybe we could go back to the past, or see into the future?  There is distinct symbolism behind The Wizard of Oz.  The storyline and characters have a deeper spiritual connotation.  Themes of love, friendship and trust are incorporated into this tale.  I invite you to dive into the journey of Oz.

Dorothy Gayle, from Kansas is the main character of the story.  A young spirit who is drawn to adventure and mysticism.  Her life changes in an instant, during a dramatic storm.  Everything is flipped upside down, as her home is lifted by a cyclone.  Dorothy, along with her pet dog Toto arrive in a city called Oz. An enchanted place, full of illumination and wonder.  Her home lands on the Wicked Witch of the East. The protagonist, feels abandoned and reluctant to trust others in Oz.  Although the cyclone breaks Dorothy’s foundation, at this moment is when her spiritual quest begins.  While she feels alone, there are pivotal characters that guide her towards self-discovery and “home”.  

Glinda -The Good Witch 

One of the first individuals Dorothy encounters is Glinda -The Good WitchThis character represents one of Dorothy’s spirit guides or can be depicted as distant family.  Glinda, reiterates that Dorothy is always safe and guided by light.  Glinda, almost seems like a guardian angel watching over Dorothy.  The Good Witch gives Dorothy ruby slippers as a gift, to protect her from negativity.  On Dorothy’s sacred quest she also encounters the Munchkins, who represent innocence, positivity and happiness.  Glinda, reminds Dorothy to reflect inwards and pursue The Yellow Brick Road.  This will lead her to the Emerald City and eventually back home.    

The Yellow Brick Road signifies a spiritual pilgrimage.  An emphasis, on what is ahead of you.  Take time to visualize on your dreams, and the future you desire.  Pursue your path to enlightenment, however daunting it may be.  Self-discovery can be challenging at times, however you are ready.  There are critical experiences that connect everything in your life.  

The Yellow Brick road is yours to uncover and is uniquely woven.  You have the answers, and are all knowing.  Whatever path you take, you will end up exactly where you need to be.  In Buddhist teachings, the Golden path is referred to as the path to your soul.  The soul takes this journey in order to achieve enlightenment and return to the Higher Power.  Perhaps, collectively individuals like Dorothy are on this inner search to really understand themselves?

Don’t wait for the right answer and the golden path to present themselves. This is precisely why you’re stuck. Starting without seeing the end is difficult, so we often wait until we see the end, scanning relentlessly for the right way, the best way and the perfect way – Seth Godin 

Cowardly Lion 

Each character Dorothy encounters is critical in her journey.  The characters reflect emotions or parts of herself that she needs to acknowledge.  The Cowardly Lion, signifies courage – to take changes, be brave SPEAK YOUR VOICE!  We all have that lion energy within us.  Do you honour yourself & boundaries?  Take those risks and leaps of faith, you can accomplish anything you put your mind too!  It is rewarding to know you are capable of changing your life at any given moment.  Courage is something Dorothy needed while in Oz.  She had to trust in the unfamiliar,  surrender attachments and old versions of herself.  Have you ever felt this way?  In order to evolve, you may have to relinquish parts of yourself and give birth to a grander version. 

Tin Man

The Tin Man, is the sacred heart.  Are you tuning into your heart and inner wisdom?  For years we have focused on the mind which governs many of us at times.  The tendency is to get caught in ego mind, and  disregard that essential energy we hold in our heart centre.  The heart is a separate intuitive centre full of knowledge.  When you allow your heart to expand, you elevate as a human being.  That loving force is sensed by others instantly.  The Tin Man was afraid to listen to his heart.  When you are in unison with the mind and heart, harmony is created within.  Dorothy had to open herself up while being in Oz, as she did, healing began.  Do you feel like you need to connect with your heart centre?  The Tin Man is a reminder to soften, and gently allow your heart to guide the way.   

“Believe in Your Heart”  Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles.
Roy T. Bennett 


In essence, the Wizard of Oz offers the spiritual gateway to the divine mind.  Dorothy encounters the Scarecrow at a fork in the road.  It is here, the decision to remain the same or evolve.  The scarecrow is the reminder to connect to your consciousness.  One can see how each character in the Wizard of Oz has a deeper significance.  A phrase I am reminded of is: ”your mind is a garden.  Your thoughts are the seeds.  You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds”.  Fill your mind with seeds of knowledge and it will expand like a garden.  Being positive is the first step.  However, add an emotional frequency of elevated states of such as; joy, peace, love, gratitude can truly bridge the heart/mind connection.  Dorothy had to comprehend  her higher mind, this is connected to a deeper energy.   

True courage is in facing danger when you are afraid. – Wizard of Oz 

The Wicked Witch of the West

This witch represents a part of ourselves we want to neglect.  Our shadow self and the ego.  The Wicked Witch of the West, was related to Dorothy’s inner fear and darkness.  The witch wanted revenge on Dorothy has her home landed on her sister.  The ego is a part of us, this is unquestionable.  When we understand the ego, is here to teach us we break free from fear and attachment.  Your thoughts are just thoughts, and can be changed instantly.  

Dorothy was accompanied by all characters on pathway towards the Yellow Brick Road.  In essence, she was collecting fragments of herself together to reconcile.  The heart, mind and courage are elements we need to connect to daily.  All characters assisted one another to grow in a distinctive way.  They were sharing there story and elevated one another.  However, it was Dorothy who was in search of the Golden Path.  

The path to our destination is not always a straight one. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn’t matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark.”
Barbara Hall 

One can assume that The Wizard of Oz was a dream sequence.  All Dorothy had to do was click her Ruby shoes together and be home.  Perhaps, she needed to encounter all the various characters, obstacles and epiphanies in order to truly find herself?  Life is never a straight and narrow path, sometimes there will be detours and roadblocks overcome.  

The Wizard in the Emerald City was unable to assist Dorothy for a specific reason.  Dorothy’s revelation was to tune into her own heart, energy and soul in order to return home.  She didn’t have to wish upon the rainbow, the rainbow was within her.  The Golden Path was always within her reach.    

You have plenty of courage, I am sure. All you need is confidence in yourself. There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid, and that kind of courage you have in plenty. – The Wizard of Oz

The Secret of Life

25 Jack Canfield Quotes To Nourish Your Soul (2019)

As the Lord was creating the world he called upon his Archangels.

The Lord asked his Archangels to help him decide where to put the secret of Life.

“Bury it in the ground, “one angel replied”.

“Put it on the bottom of the sea, said another”.

“Hide it in the mountains, “another suggested”.

The Lord replied, “if I see to do any of those only a few will find the secret of Life.

The Secret of Life must be accessible to EVERYONE!”

One angel, replied, “I know: put it in each man’s heart.

Nobody will think to look there”.

“Yes!  Said the Lord. “Within each man’s heart”.

And so it was –

The SECRET OF LIFE lies within all of us. 

Taken from the Chicken Soup For the Soul, by Jack Canfield.  A gentle reminder to pay attention to your heart space.  An energy center, that is always whispering messages to you.  Are you taking time to slow down and listen?  May you always remember that you have divine wisdom within your soul.   Stay well xo


A Precious Human Life – The Dalai Lama

Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be ...


“Every day

Think as you wake up,

Today I am fortunate

To have woken up,

I am alive,

I have a precious human life,

I am not going to waste it,

I am going to use

All my energies to develop myself,

To expand my heart out to others,

To achieve enlightenment for

The benefit of all beings,

I am going to have kind

Thoughts towards other,

I am not going to get angry,

Or think badly about others,

I am going to benefit others

As much as I can”

Words of wisdom from The Dalai Lama.  Remember to be kind, gracious and extend your heart whenever you can.  Wishing everyone a peaceful transition into July.  Stay well xo

My Love Is Your Love – Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston Quote: “I wish to you, joy and happiness. But ...
If tomorrow is judgement day
And I’m standin’ on the front line
And the Lord ask me what I did with my life
I will say I spent it with you

If I wake up in World War Three
I see destruction and poverty
And I feel like I wanna go home
It’s okay if you’re coming with me

‘Cause your love is my love
And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn’t hold us

‘Cause your love is my love
And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn’t hold us

If I lose my fame and fortune
And I’m homeless on the street
And I’m sleepin’ in Grand Central Station
It’s okay if you’re sleepin’ with me

As the years they pass us by
We stay young through each other’s eyes
And no matter how old we get
It’s okay as long as I got you babe

‘Cause your love is my love
And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn’t hold us

‘Cause your love is my love
And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn’t hold us

If I should die this very day
Don’t cry, ’cause on earth we wasn’t meant to stay
And no matter what the people say
I’ll be waiting for you after the judgement day

‘Cause your love is my love
And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn’t hold us

‘Cause your love is my love
And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn’t hold us

‘Cause your love is my love
And my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couldn’t hold us

A song of love and comfort from the late Whitney Houston.  Let us remember that love has an healing energy and vibration.  When we stand in love, peace and light, we can truly change the consciousness of humanity.  Let us stand in Amistad.  Pray, keep faith and rise.  Stay blessed xo

The Golden Path – Seth Godin

Seth Godin Quote: Own your dreams. Empowering Quote Wall Art | Etsy

Don’t wait for the right answer and the golden path to present themselves.

This is precisely why you’re stuck. Starting without seeing the end is difficult, so we often wait until we see the end, scanning relentlessly for the right way, the best way and the perfect way.

The way to get unstuck is to start down the wrong path, right now.

Step by step, page by page, interaction by interaction. As you start moving, you can’t help but improve, can’t help but incrementally find yourself getting back toward your north star.

You might not end up with perfect, but it’s significantly more valuable than being stuck.

Don’t just start. Continue. Ship. Repeat.

An inspirational quote, from Author and Entrepreneur Seth Godin.  A reminder to pursue the Golden Path.  What is the Golden Path you may ask?  It is your individual journey, the quest to inner peace and fulfillment.  We may veer off our path at times, do know you will always be guided home.  Allow love and peace to be at the center of your being.  Be ambitious, take risks and seek your adventure!  Stay blessed xo

The Pilgrimage – Paulo Coelho

The good fight is the one that's fought in the name of our dreams ...

The first novel I ever read by Paulo Coelho was The Alchemist.  His text spoke to my heart in profound ways.  I was hooked!  I have read many of his novels and presently reading The Pilgrimage.  I feel to some degree, I am on my own individual “Pilgrimage”.  Things come to you when the time is right.

My friends we are in a time where our faith will carry us forward.  The higher power, universe and angels are by your side.  We must remember love, and not let fear influence us.  We are all feeling the effects of Corona Virus, however it is a time where humanity must all come together as a collective family.  Its time to heal, just as Mother Earth is experiencing.

Taken from The Pilgrimage, I share The Blue Sphere Exercise:

Seat yourself comfortably, and relax.  Try not to think about anything.

  1. Feel how good it is to be alive. Let your heart feel free and affectionate, let it rise above and beyond the details of the problems that my be bothering you.  Begin to sing softly a song from your childhood.  Imagine that your heart is growing, filling the room – and later your home – with an intense shining blue light.
  2. When you reach this point, begin to sense the presence of the saints (or other beings) in which you placed your faith when you were child.  Notice that they are present, arriving from everywhere, smiling and giving you faith and confidence.
  3. Picture the saints approaching you, placing their hands on your head and wishing you love, peace, and communion with the world – the communion of the saints.
  4. When the sensation becomes strong, feel that the blue light is a current that enters you and leaves you like a shining, flowing river.  This blue light begins to spread through your house, then through your neighborhood, your city, and your country; eventually envelops the world in immense blue sphere.  This is the manifestation of the great love that goes beyond the day-to-day struggle; it reinforces and invigorates, as it provides energy and peace.
  5. Keep the light spread around the world for as along as possible.  Your heart is open, spreading love.  This phase of the exercise should last for a minimum of five minutes.
  6. Come out of your trance, bit by bit, return to reality.  The saints will remain near.  The blue light will continue to spread around the world.

This ritual can and should be done with more than one person.  When this is the case, the participants should hold hands while they do this exercise.

I felt inclined to share this exercise as soon as I read it.   Perhaps it can shift the energy we are presently in, raising our vibration and Mother Earth’s as well.  Sending love and blessings xo